Monday, March 16, 2009

two weeks to go...

I leave for Estonia in two weeks. If anyone else asks me today if I am excited, I think I will cry. I hesitate to expand too much on this, lest the Estonian group reads this and thinks they are getting a basket case, but excited is not how I am feeling right now. I am anxious for one thing...I am so afraid they are going to cancel my trip at the last minute and all this work would have been for nothing. I am dreading the packing...I just keep thinking of more stuff I have to bring and wondering how I will fit it all in my suitcase. I don't like to fly so I'm trying not to think at all of the 3 flights (one of them 8 hours) that will get me to Estonia. So "excited" is not the word for it. I'm grateful for the opportunity and once I am there, I know I will be SO GLAD that I applied for the GROW program and got to go. If this were happening to someone else, I would be so jealous and wish I were going... I just need to get through the next two very busy, hectic weeks and get to Estonia and get settled in. Then I know I will be "excited".

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