Thursday, March 5, 2009

the countdown is on...

I can't believe it's only 25 days until I leave. Twenty five days! Karmo (my supervisor in Estonia) said in his comment on my introductory post that it won't be so cold in April. But, it is only 25 days and it is 34 degrees today...I'm thinking, how warm can it get between now and then? Tom made me buy a new coat yesterday because he thinks it will rain more than I expect.

I'm very busy trying to get ready for the trip. I'll be mailing some boxes over there next week; that makes it seem so real! I've totally slacked off on my Krav Maga (self defense) classes cause I just haven't felt like it. My Estonian lessons are coming along. I've learned alot of words but I have no idea how to properly string them into a sentence (my software package doesn't cover grammar rules).

The top questions I've been receiving this week are:

1. How many more days until you leave? (see post)
2. What will you be doing over there? I will be working with the web development team
3. What does your boss (Mike) think about you going? He's not happy...LOL! Actually, though he's been giving me a hard time, worse as the days get closer, he's been very supportive.
4. What does your husband (Tom) think about you going? He wishes he were going too!
5. What about your dogs? They don't know I'm going. I've told them but I don't think they understand....they just want a cookie.


  1. Your dogs are cute!

  2. As always an excellent posting.The
    way you write is awesome.Thanks. Adding more information will be more useful.

