Friday, February 13, 2009


This is my blog for my working trip to Estonia. I chose this title because Estonians are known for not being very extroverted so I figured this is the quality about me that will most stand out. Thanks to Jamie Myers for the inpiration for the take on "An American Werewolf in London" and to Manny Alvarez for designing that cool header using the Estonian flag.

I will be leaving on March 31 and arriving in Estonia on April 1. This is earlier than originally planned so I am both excited and nervous about getting everything done before I leave. I'm still trying to learn more of the language. My physician's assistant Reeli is from Estonia and she gave me some props on my pronunciation this morning (maybe she was just being kind?). I look forward to talking to her more before I leave...I'm sure she's got some great tips on Estonia she can impart. Thanks also to my TripAdvisor friends, JohntheFinn, Helinn and Oravad, who have given me great information over the last few months.


  1. I see that you put the dogs first....I guess I know where I stand. Pass the kibble Marley.

    Yes I do think she will stick it out the entire time; she will however complain a little.



  3. Cool:). You take it very seriuously (your assignment I mean). We are looking forward for little cultural shock here in Estonia:).
    By the way - the weather is not going to be so cold anymore in April (according to our standards of course:) and it's getting quite OK in May/June.

    Karmo from Estonia
    Sometimes introvert:)

  4. That is Cold. Can you do any winter sports to stay warm?

  5. Does drinking vodka count as a sport? LOL!

  6. Nowadays you can keep you warm by running fast in order to keep business going. Vodka is not good for that focus - might feel warm for the moment, but after that it's getting even more cold:).


  7. Ma ei räägi eesti keelt either, but you can get a long way in Estonia with soome keel. And vice-versa.
    You should have seen the looks on the locals' faces at a garlic festival near where I live in Finland when a bunch of my American and Irish friends addressed them in Estonian. The message got across, though.

  8. Have fun Lisa you will do great...they will love ya!


  9. Hey Lisa hope you are settled in and not to cold. We miss you! Zerry
