Monday, August 3, 2009

Is it weird to be back?

I've been getting this question, or some form of it, for several weeks now. It feels like more than a month has gone by since I returned home. If I had to put a guess to it, I'd say it feels like it has been 3 or 4 months since I left Estonia. Sometimes, it is like it never happened at all. The first few weekends home seemed a little is as if my body was saying 'it is good to be home' but my mind was saying 'what, no trips to new locales this weekend? How dull!'. But I think I am settled back in pretty much by this point. My dogs have forgiven me for leaving them for so long and my husband has quit using my 3 month absence as ammunition to get me to take the dogs out or do the dishes when it is his turn.

It is the little things about returning home that can throw you for a loop. For instance, I have been cold most of the time I have been back. Now you may be wondering how I can be cold here in stifling hot Florida when I just returned from the colder climate of Estonia. Two words: air conditioning. I am just not used to it anymore and every building I go into feels freezing cold to me.

As for things I miss about Estonia (the second question everyone seems to ask), yes there are things I miss. I do miss the freedom of being able to walk around by myself, day or night, without having to worry about my personal safety. I miss all the exercise I was getting walking around the city. And I do miss the friends I made. And kohuke...oh if only someone could send kohuke!

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