Monday, June 8, 2009

The countdown is on...

In my first post, the countdown was on ’to’ Estonia and now the countdown is on to leave Estonia. A little over two weeks left! I can’t believe how fast it is going, but I am so ready to get home. It would have been much easier if Tom and the dogs were here with me.

Karmo’s birthday was last week…we got him a kringle but we couldn’t put a ’baby’ in it. I looked for one, but they don’t have craft stores like Michael’s here in Estonia and I was unable to find one. (Picture of Karmo, Julia and Merit)

I wound up staying in Estonia last weekend because the weather was lousy and I didn’t really feel like tromping around Riga in the rain. My friend Terje and I went to lunch and shopping on Saturday and I went to dinner and an outdoor concert (it was so cold!) with Julia on Sunday…this was our last time to get together, as she will be in Canada for 3 weeks.

I went to Pirita area yesterday where the 1980 Olympic Sailing events were held (if it doesn't look familiar, it may be because the U.S. boycotted the Olympics that year). I also took some pictures of the Kadriorg area where Tom and I had visited while he was here in early May. The trees are in bloom now and they have the gardens in at the castle so it is much prettier.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe you only have 2 more weeks! Wow! You have done so much in your time there! It's awesome! :D Miss you and can't wait to chat more about your trip.
