Sunday, May 10, 2009

Tom and Tallinn

Tom visited this week but had to leave on Saturday so that's a bummer; we had such a great time during his visit! I took him on a tour of Old Town, and we also got a private sauna with pool for a few hours and climbed Vana Toomas (that means 'Old Thomas'...ha ha!) which was ok on the way up but down was a little scary because the steps were really steep and dark...I can't imagine them rushing up those stairs in the old days. We also went to the Tallinn Zoo (last group of pictures), Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Niguliste Church, then we went to the Kadriorg area of Tallinn where we went to the palace of Peter the Great, the Kumu art museum, Kadriog park and the Russalka Monument. We discovered a great Mexican restaurant (Cantina Carramba) in the area near the park...who would think you would find very good Mexican food in Estonia of all places? After lunch, we went for a walk on the beach...there were some swans down by the water (gulf of Finland) and these were the biggest swans I have ever seen...they had to be half my height when they stood up! Tom's final night we went to dinner at Olde Hansa...a totally tourist place but you have to do is a big old building in Old Town that is done up like a merchant's home. The food was better than I had expected but the place is more about the atmosphere.

Kumu art museum was a little boring because there were alot of pictures of people I've never heard of by artists I have never heard of. However, there were a few pieces we really liked...and one that proves that art is subjective. I am offering a prize to the best caption for this piece of art (last one above with the dolls' heads)...winner gets a box of Kalev chocolates. So post a comment with your best caption for this piece of 'art'.

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms (especially mine!)


  1. Petri dish beauties?? julia

  2. For your picture contest, I think they are quadruplets and the orange thing is a uterus, so the name is The Quads in Uteri. The pictures were really nice. I am glad you and Tom had a good time. Have a good week...


  3. OMG! I love all your pictures. Thanks for sharing. Glad the days are sunny for you. Looks like you're having a good time.

  4. Hi Lisa,
    Thanks for the tour of Tallinn. The photos and your commen7ary are great. I have heard of "kissing the Blarney Stone," but licking the Tallinn icesicle? I want to enter the contest for the chocolate, but I am lost for words.


