Monday, May 25, 2009

'Quiet' weekend in Tallinn

As my poll this time was hinting, I have another trip planned...actually I have 3 trips planned. I will be going to Prague this weekend (so good guess by the people that voted for Prague). I have always wanted to go there and I realized I would really regret it if I didn't go while I am here, even if it is just for the weekend. I am also planning a day trip to Riga, Latvia the following weekend since it is a short bus ride from here. I have another trip planned shortly before I return (during mid-summer holiday) to a 'surprise destination'. I will tell you more about that in the next week or two but basically this was my last full weekend in Tallinn.

Speaking of something new, I went with Merit to Paidu, Estonia last Monday night to a farm where they have a house built with straw bale construction. It was interesting...the house doesn't look like much from the outside, but inside it was a very good size. You could see a 'window' where the original straw was left exposed and showed measurement of the humidity and temperature of the straw. The owners of the house were giving a seminar next week about the construction methods of these homes. They were very nice and Hele invited us in for tea and a chat; it was nice to see an Estonian home even if not a typical Estonian home. We got to see an elk on the way back to Tallinn...yay!

Michael Goesele from Bonnier Winter Park came over from Finland this weekend to say hello. It was funny to watch Michael with these reserved Estonians...he scared the heck out of some of them! We had dinner at Peppersack then reggae and drinks at the African Kitchen (the waitress did NOT like!), then a drink or two at Drink, then went to Fellini. We were originally going to stay inside cause it was cold but there was a B.O. inside that was like an entity unto itself...stunk up the whole we went outside where we saw Fred Durst from Limp Biskit (no we didn't get a picture). Sunday we walked around Old Town then went to Beer House before Michael had to catch a ferry back to Finland. So it wasn't as 'quiet' a weekend as I thought it would be, but that's a good thing!


  1. It sounds like you're going to need a vacation when you return to boring Orlando...You are going to need SCUBA gear...It's been raining for two weeks.

    Have a safe journey to Prague and remember only 4 weeks until you see the dogs. I was trying to sell them but no one wants them...except for a resturant down the street (they're running a special on chicken).
    Talk to you soon.

  2. When are you going to post some more stuff?

  3. Glad you are having so much fun and that Michael came to visit. I can only imagine how it was with the Estonians. :D Cool that you saw LB too. I'm totally J! Miss you girl and see you in a month!
