Wednesday, April 8, 2009


(view from hotel spa)

It has already been one week since I arrived in Tallinn. I went to the spa last night and got a classic massage (similar to Swedish) and then went to the saunas. Went in the wet sauna first (so warm and moist I felt like I was back in Florida) then DRY sauna. At least that's the way I did it...I don't know if there is a way you are "supposed" to do it but this worked for me. Not a bad way to spend two hours after work! It wasn't very expensive...even though Swissotel is a very nice hotel (4 star I think) it was only about $60 US for the massage and I got to use the saunas included.

Yes, I really am WORKING too! Karmo and I have had some more
conversations about our project and I have a good start on the requirements document. I am about to open the document up for review to our 7 countries, so this is where the "fun" will begin, I think! I will be working on this project with people from Bulgaria, Slovenia, Latvia (they have the most challenging names to pronounce or spell), Lithuania, Russia, Poland and of course Estonia. Much of our interaction will be done remotely, either over the phone or over the internet, so this should prove interesting. Karmo is pretty cool...I think he is probably more fun when he is away from work. He has a pretty good sense of humor. I think it just takes a little time for people here to get used to me. I still smile at people when I pass them, at least at work...some of them just look at me funny but some are starting to say "Tere!" or "Hommikust!"

They had a birthday party at work for Villu, one of the guys in IT. Everyone lined up to shake his hand and say Happy Birthday (so maybe we will start that tradition when I get back) and they had kringel instead of cake. I told Karmo we have a similar thing to the kringle for Mardi Gras that we call king cake and we put a baby in it. He gave me this really weird look and like "what?" and I said "oh, not a REAL baby!" and he said "Oh, I thought you either had really small babies or really big cakes" LOL (I told you he was funny!)

I was able to join the local sportsclub through Bonnier at a really good price so I'm going to start weight training there this week; I'll be going tomorrow night with Julia. I walk alot here so I don't need to hit the treadmill and my office and my apartment are both several flights up so I get the benefits of a stairmaster for free.

I am going to Finland this weekend and plan to meet up with Shannon (from Winter Park Bonnier). I had planned to go the following weekend, but I found out that I am off on Friday so I am leaving on Friday and will be staying in Finland until Sunday. She really seems to love it there so I am looking forward to it!


  1. That's so cool that you got to enjoy the Swissotel Spa. What a treat!
    You don't really hear much about Latvia in the U.S., but years ago, I went to a wedding for a Latvian couple in California. It was a very unique experience. Apparently, the couple had gone to Latvian Camp and had kept in touch with many of their friends that had also attended. Every so often during the reception they would all start singing Latvian songs. It was super traditional wedding. They didn't just have a wedding cake - they had a Dessert Tent, literally an area covered with a canopy that had every delicious dessert imaginable! They also have various wedding traditions like a scavenger hunt where the bride and groom have a list of items they need to search for.
    Have a great time in Finland, tell Shannon I said hi :)

  2. HI Lisa,

    Your blog is awesome. Looking at all your pics makes me homesick. How is the weather? It doesn't look too grey and overcast from your pictures. You probably have't been away long enough to really start to miss much, except you furry friends and your husband, but I had a thought while reading your shopping blog. I'm meeting my Mom in Italy in 3 weeks and if by then you just have to have a jar or a box of something from home, let me know. My Mom can easily meet you and pass it on. Just a thought!

    Have a great weekend in Helsinki.


  3. Oh, I forgot to add a quick story about what my extraverted american husband did in Estonia on his first visit. We were walking around Old Town and he loudly said Hi! to every person he passed on the street. If I remember correctly, only 5 out of 45 or so said something back! Most just looked at him funny.


  4. I guess I know how I'm going to greet everyone. I'm going to stop and introduce myself, shake hands and slap them on the back or maybe I'll give them a big smootch or maybe a hug and say President Obama says Hi and he'll be over soon to meet everyone.

    They'd probably throw me out of the country.

    Have fun in Helsinki and I'll see you soon.


  5. Soooo, do you work any?? lol!
    Miss ya and HAPPY EASTER!!!
