Friday, April 3, 2009

I have towels!!!

My first day at the office was interesting. I have an Estonian keyboard...mostly like US keyboard but with extra characters so some things like shift, @, : and
? are in other places so I am having to hunt around to find them. My office is in a big building on the 6th floor yet it is so quiet in here, I could hear a dog barking on the street below. They just don't talk! I sit directly facing my boss (no cubicles) so he can see my every expression. A cough or a sneeze is like an explosion in there (and you know how loudly I sneeze!) And no one seems to have many personal effects on their desk...but I had to put up a picture or two even if they think I'm weird. I put up the picture of Marley and Spanky in their reggae gear (ok, maybe now they WILL think I'm weird) and a picture of me and Tom.

Julia took me around a little yesterday and showed me where to go to the market, how to get to Old Town and where to get the bus for work. I took a cab home today because my box is heavy and bulky which would be hard to bring on the tram. But I NOW HAVE TOWELS! No more drying off with paper towels (thank God!) I went to lunch today with Julia, Merit and Ksenia and they were laughing that I couldn't figure out the shower and had to dry with paper towels and slept under a curtain (I thought it was a sheet!) Oh well, it's the little things that make travel interesting.

I'm hoping to take a tour of Old Town in the morning if it doesn't rain then I will be meeting Merit for a "dance therapy" class whatever that is. I'm going grocery shopping now. Yesterday was "crazy day" which is the day they have their sales so everything was crowded and there were long lines so I decided to wait until tonight. I bought milk the other day and got the wrong kind...I know the word for milk (piim) and I know the word for butter (korrevoi) but apparently buttermilk is a whole new word (hapu piim or sour milk)...I thought I was buying skim milk. It really wasn't too bad on my museli this am but I sure won't drink it!


  1. Lisa we all miss you here, have a great time there and keep writing :)


  2. Remember mi pictures!

    Manny :P

  3. Hey Lisa,

    Sounds like you are having a very interesting time! So did you figure out the shower yet?

    Have fun and don't get too bored!

  4. I can't believe you are there! I loved the shower story,particularly since I couldn't figure out the shower in Paris. LOL!

  5. A little dairy glossary to get you started...

    piim - milk ("regular" milk in Estonia is 2,5%, for skimmed milk look for near-zero percentage or the word "rasvavaba" (fat free)
    hapupiim - sour milk
    pett - soured buttermilk
    kodujuust - cottage cheese
    kohupiim - quark
    kohupiimakreem - quark cream
    hapukoor - sour cream
    rõõsk koor, kohvikoor, vahukoor - cream, 10% coffee cream, 35-38% whipping cream
    juust - cheese (suitsujuust - smoked cheese)
    toorjuust - cream cheese
    või - butter

    There's an extraordinary selection of yoghurts - "jogurt" in Estonian (with different flavors, "healthy bacteria", fat percentage)
    And of course our own special Baltic dairy dessert - "kohuke". Sweet curd (different flavors) in chocolate coating. Be careful though, they can be addicting to foreigners...

    Welcome to Estonia :)

  6. Holy cow, Lisa... This was pretty funny... I laughed out loud when you said you'd slept under a curtain lol... poor kid.

    This is awesome.. Loving being able to read this!

    Miss you oodles!
    ~Jamie (M.)

  7. Lisa where are you??? you haven't write in a while, how is everything up there?

