Sunday, April 26, 2009

Tallinn is waking up from her winter rest. All around there is a flurry of activity...the umbrellas are going up on the cafes, new activities and stands are getting set up in anticipation of the tourists, flowers are starting to bloom. The weather has been very nice this week and today I didn't even need a coat!

I had a really great opportunity to go to the Parliament this week. Estonia was celebrating its 90th Parliamentary anniversary. I had a chance to tour the building and see the Prime Minister debating an issue (they kept ringing the bell when he went over allotted time) as well as to see the parliamentary offices for the six political parties. I even had a a chance to meet some of the candidates for the upcoming elections. (That is me with Anto Liivat, one of the candidates to the EU. He was very nice...he asked several questions about where I am from and what I think of Estonia so far. I think he would be a very good representative for this country and I hope he does well in the election...of course, I don't get a vote!)

I also went on a walking tour of Old Town and the 'secret tunnels' tour, which is neat. They tell you about how these old tunnels under the city have been used throughout the various wars and occupations and you get to walk down through them, at least the part that is open. They don't really know where the tunnels end because there is deep water and part of the tunnels are walled off so until they get the water out and take down the wall, they won't know. My tour guide for the Old Town tour was one else showed up so he just took me around, which was great cause I got to ask all the questions I wanted. Afterwards, I went for a look at the Kalev marzipan room (can you believe all those figures of the monkeys, rabbits and penguins are candy?) with all their pretty handcrafted treats. They are all too pretty to eat!

I also got to try the African Kitchen which was a really cool restaurant with african/caribbean food that plays african music and reggae (you know me, I find reggae wherever in the world I go). The food was pretty good but the atmosphere was awesome! I will definitely have to go there again.

So this was my time spent in Tallinn this week, at least the highlights. I am going to dinner with Merit at Elevant tonight...I am looking forward to trying it as a bunch of people have recommended it (it is one of Merit's favorites).


  1. The photos look great...make sure you order some warm weather for me (just 4 days). It was in the mid-80s this weekend here in Florida. When I tell the dogs that I'm going to visit mommy...Marley says mommy who, Spanky starts to cry and Kirby doesn't have a clue. Maybe I'll bring Kirby with me when I come to visit and then he'll remember you...yeah right I can't imagine a 24hr flight with Kirby. I'll see you soon
    Love Tom

  2. Hey Lisa,

    Thanks for letting me see the world from your eyes! Keep the pics and blog a comin'.

    I have major gossip for you.... Does your phone work all the way over there? Please let me know otherwise, email!

    Take care and enjoy your visit with T.J.

  3. Who is the other guy? Is that the Prime Minister?

  4. it really very good.
    I love it !
    I like it !
    thanks :)- .

