Friday, March 27, 2009

last day!

So today is my last day in the office. Yesterday was the first day this all really felt know, the sudden realization "OMG, I'm really going to Estonia in four days!" I've gotten most of my errands done so now it is just the packing. I still don't know how to fit 3 months of stuff into 2 suitcases.

Some of the ladies from the IT department took me to lunch yesterday as a sendoff which I thought was really nice of them. Mike was planning drinks for our department (so I thought) but now Jamie has "After Hours'd" the whole company! Can't a girl just slip out of here quietly? LOL!

After my work thing tonight, I'm supposed to meet Gabby and Lindy for drinks. Tom is a little upset that I planned a night with the girls so close to my departure, especially since I was already out until midnight with Anna and Alicia earlier this week. I think he's feeling a little left out with all this (which I don't blame him cause I feel the same way when he goes off on a business trip to somewhere cool).

It is back up to 34 degrees in Estonia today (woo hoo...a heat wave! I'll bring my shorts!) I'm glad to see that for the most part on my poll, the majority of people think I will last all 89 days, even with the cold weather!

This will probably be my last post from the U.S. so as they say...I'll see you on the flip side!

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